IP Justice Statement Supporting Friends of Development Proposal for a Development Agenda at WIPO
IP JUSTICE STATEMENT on the GROUP of FRIENDS of DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL for a DEVELOPMENT AGENDA at WIPO by IP Justice Executive Director Robin D. Gross at the 1st Session of the Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda 23 February 2006 - Geneva, Switzerland Thank you, Mr. Chairman for this opportunity to [...]
IP Justice Statement Supporting Chile’s Proposal for a Development Agenda at WIPO
IP JUSTICE STATEMENT on CHILE'S PROPOSAL FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGENDA AT WIPO by IP Justice Executive Director Robin D. Gross at the 1st Session of the Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda 21 February 2006 - Geneva, Switzerland Thank you, Mr. Chairman and congratulations on your re-election. I represent IP Justice, [...]
WIPO Resumes “Development Agenda” Talks; Developing Countries Continue Push for Balance at WIPO
IP Justice Media Release 20 February 2006 Contact: Robin D. Gross, IP Justice Executive Director Telephone: +1.415.553.6261 Email: robin@ipjustice.org WIPO Resumes "Development Agenda" Talks Developing Countries Continue Push for Balance at WIPO IP Justice is in Geneva this week as the second year of talks resume to debate a “Development Agenda†at the World Intellectual [...]
Information about the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society
Information about the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society 14 -19 November 2005 in Tunis 30 Nov. 2005: IP-Watch, "Intellectual Property Rights Issues Kept Off WSIS Agenda" 25 Nov. 2005: Civil Society Letter to Kofi Annan reguarding human rights abuses at Tunis Summit IP Justice Executive Director Robin Gross' Address to [...]
Introduction of Development Agenda and IIMs
IIM/3, 20-22 July 2005 IIM/2, 20-22 June 2005 IIM/1, 11-13 April 2005 General Assembly 31st meeting (GA/31), 27 September - 5 October 2004 and lead-ups to IIMs
Circumvention Prohibitions Reconsidered: Why America’s Mistake is Europe’s Future
Circumvention Prohibitions Reconsidered: Why America's Mistake is Europe's Future By Robin D. Gross, IP Justice I. US and EU Pressured to Outlaw Consumer Circumvention Today lawmakers all over the world are both dreaming of the opportunities and grappling with the challenges that digital technology creates for authors and distributors of intellectual property. At the same [...]
Comments by MEP Cappato translated into English
Remarks of Italian MEP Marco Cappato - EU Plenary Debate 9 March 2004 (Translation from Italian): - - - - - - - Mr. President, unlike President Imbeni, I have no reason to celebrate and rejoice with the procedure followed, because an early conciliation, as the President has defined it, is not a good procedure. [...]