Software Patent Reading Room

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  • Original Draft EU Legislation, “Software Patent Directive”
    EU document
    The full text of the proposed EU software patent legislation. As described in the overview page, this is the current text that will be voted upon. The legislation will officially allow the European Patent Office to issue software patents, and require the patent office of EU member nations to issue software patents. The core of the draft is Article 4 (Amendment 16).
  • FSFE Software Patent Overview
    By Free Software Foundation of Europe
    Good overview of the background and current status of software patents in Europe.

Recent News

Analysis and Commentary on Current EU Software Patent Situation

Advanced Resources and Patent Data

  • “Sequential Innovation, Patents, and Imitation”
    MIT (1999)
    Economic analysis of patents in dynamic industries. Argues that in industries that feature large amounts of complimentary innovation (such as software and semiconductors) patents fail to provide useful protection and may in fact decrease the incentive to perform R+D. Further, productivity in these industries my decrease as a result of inefficiencies introduced by patents.
  • Analysis of patterns of US software patents
    Research Innovation
    The majority of US software patents have been granted to large companies and are used as a cheap way to maintain an advantage rather than spurring new R+D.
  • European Software Patent Statistics
    By the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
    Long list of the number of software patents granted by the EPO based on applicant, nation, year, and other factors.
  • European Software Patent Applications
    By the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
    Semi-organized database containing 10,000+ suspected software patents granted by the EPO. The FFII is attempting to manually categorize and evaluate each patent, this work is still underway.
  • Analysis of the Amazon “One-Click” Patent in context of the EU directive
    By the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
  • “Computersoftware and patent law” (English summary and German thesis paper)
    By Dr. Thomas Winischhofer
    Argues that not only are the software patents issued by the EPO against the letter of the current EU law, they are also internally inconsistent. Further suggests that a coherent patent system cannot be established with software patents.

Software Patent Law in General

Steps to Take Today

Individual Statements about Software Patents

Other Organizations Involved

Last updated Sep 17, 2003