IP Justice Presents IGF 2014 Workshop #149: 

“Aligning ICANN Policy with Privacy Rights of Internet Users” 

Day 5 at the 9th United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey

5 September 2014  ~  11:00 am – 12:30 pm in Istanbul (other time zones)

in Venue Workshop Room #6 at Lütfi Kirdar International Convention and Exhibition Center (ICEC)

Video Recording               Transcription


Panel Speakers:

  • Sjoera Nas, Article 29 Working Party
  • Stephanie Perrin, University of Toronto
  • Paul Diaz, Public Interest Registry (PIR)
  • Joy Liddicoat, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
  • Richard Leaning, EUROPOL
  • Michele Neylon, Blacknight
  • Monika Zalnieriute, Council of Europe


Panel Moderator:

  • Pranesh Prakash, Yale Information Society Project 


Remote Moderator:  

  • Rafik Dammak, ICANN’s Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG)


Workshop Co-Sponsors:

  • IP Justice, Robin Gross
  • Yale ISP, Pranesh Prakash
  • ICANN’s Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group, Rafik Dammak
  • Federal Office of Communication of Switzerland, Thomas Schneider
  • Council of Europe, Lee Hibbard


Session Description:

ICANN sets several important domain name policies that determine what personal information is collected, published, or otherwise shared about Internet domain name registrants. ICANN’s WHOIS policy, its Registrar Accreditation Agreement, and other policies become a global standard for the handling of personal data about Internet users. What obligation does ICANN have to align its policies with international standards for data protection? How are legal privacy protections treated in ICANN’s policies? As an example, this discussion will pay specific attention to European data protection requirements in comparison with ICANN policy. What role do law enforcement and data protection officers play in developing ICANN policies that address the treatment of personal data.


Background Materials: