Videos from Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Athens, Greece
30 October – 2 November 2006

IGF “Openness” Session on Freedom of Expression, Free Flow of Information and Access to Knowledge
31 October 2006

Cisco Colludes with China to Censor the Internet

Art Reilly, Cisco’s Senior Director for Strategic Technology Policy admits aiding Chinese government in censoring Internet speech at UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece

DRM as Censorware for Big Business & Big Government[youtube]XTLupDJenIM
James Love, Director of CPTech discusses how Digital Rights Management systems are evolving into Censorware for use by Big Business and Big Government alike at the UN Internet Governance Forum’s Openness session in Athens Greece

Freedom to Quote[youtube]jREbdqVx5xs
Joichi Ito of Creative Commons discusses the disparity in intellectual property laws which allow you to quote text without requiring a license however the same cannot be said for quoting audio or visual information. This conversation took place at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

A Right to Share[youtube]L-8QQHvP7Tc
Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director of Association for Progressive Communications (APC) discusses the essential need for a new “Right to Share” knowledge, creativity and information on the Internet at the UN Internet Governance in Athens Greece during the Openness main session.

The Limits of Digital Copyright[youtube]jWdoyWQRb_U
Joichi Ito of Creative Commons discusses how Copyrights destroy the capacity to share Intellectual Property at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

Addiction Economics of Piracy[youtube]0lw0ESNyVpM
James Love, director of CPTech explains how companies will allow the piracy of their products to grow market share only to turn around and selectively enforce piracy laws to extract payment once people become accustomed to using their products. The crucial need for Open Standards is also discussed during the Openness session at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

WIPO Broadcast Treaty Threatens Remix Culture[youtube]XI4v-168zFE
James Love, Director of CPTech discusses the emerging threat to Remix Culture by the Broadcast Treaty emerging from the World Intellectual Property Organization at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

Limitations of Strong IP Rights for Software[youtube]TxmzTRzlNEo
James Love, Director of CPTech discusses the diminishing returns of strong intellectual property rights for software and high technology at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

Old Media Credibility vs. New Media Credibility[youtube]cZ76E-WWKdU
James Love, Director of CPTech elaborates on the gradations of credibility between traditional media outlets and the Internet at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.

Innovation vs. Stability on the Internet[youtube]ot5IytGWdDA
David Souter of the University of Strathclyde and Kenneth Cukier of The Economist discuss the tension between a government’s desire for stability and the innovation and rapid change that drives the Internet. This exchange took place at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens Greece.