Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2008 – Hyderabad, India


India will host the 3rd United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) from 3-6 December 2008 at the Hyderabad international Convention Center (HICC).


Workshop Proposals for IGF 2008

30 April 2008 is the deadline for submitting proposals for IGF 2008 workshops, best practice sessions, and Open Forums. Workshop proposals should be multi-stakeholder in their organization. The IGF website promises more info soon on submitting workshop proposals, but definitely read the 28 Feb. 2008 "Summary Report" for more information on workshops and other sessions at IGF 2008.

Open Consultations

The next round of Open Consultations for planning IGF 2008 will be 13 May 2008 in Geneva at the United Nations. The Advisory Group will then meet on 14-15 May 2008 to continue plans for Hyderabad and its own rotation and evolution.

The first Open Consultation for IGF 2008 took place on 26 February 2008 in Geneva at the United Nations. Here is a transcript of the proceedings from the Open Consultation. In preparation for the Open Consultation, a "Synthesis Paper" on contributions received was published by the IGF Secretariat.

  • Summary Report from the IGF Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) Meeting (27-28 Feb. 2008)
  • Presentation by India on IGF 2008 venue HICC in Hyderabad. (26 Feb. 2008)
  • Statement from the IGF Dynamic Coalition for an Internet Bill of Rights at Open Consultation (26 Feb. 2008)
  • Webcast of IGF 2008 Open Consultation (English)

All stakeholders are invited to send to the IGF Secretariat ( their comments and views on the 2007 IGF – Rio de Janeiro meeting and make suggestions with regard to the preparation of the meeting in Hyderabad (IGF 2008). You may wish to address topics such as the preparatory process, the logistics of the meeting as well as its format and content. Contributions will be posted on the IGF Web site. A Web based form is now available for this purpose.